About me
Hi! My name is Nicolas Moutschen.
I’m a Staff Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL. I am from Luxembourg, but I currently live in Amsterdam.
My daily job
As a Software Engineer, I am part of the team building Cloud routing for supergraphs, a managed solution for running federated GraphQL endpoints.
Befoe this, I was a Principal Specialist SA for Serverless at AWS, spending a big portion of my time discussing and helping AWS customers across EMEA on how to leverage serverless technologies.
90% of my work is not public, but you can find some things I’ve done here.
Open source projects
- Serverless E-Commerce Platform: sample implementation to showcase event-driven workflow between 10 microservices.
- Serverless Rules: compilation of rules to validate infrastructure-as-code templates against recommended practices for serverless applications.
- Serverless Rust Demo: sample serverless application built in Rust and using hexagonal architecture.
- AWS Lambda Rust Runtime: Runtime library to run Rust functions on AWS Lambda.
- AWS SAM Rust Templates: cookiecutter templates to get started with a serverless project in Rust using AWS SAM.
- Mock HTTP Connector: allow mocking HTTP requests without running a server.
Public talks
- Building serverless micro-services at scale: in this talk, I explore some of the design decisions behind the e-commerce platform mentioned above.
- AWS Nordics Office Hours on Serverless Ops, discussing about observability, relability, and a few other operational topics.
- FooBar Serverless on testing serverless applications, on effective testing strategies for serverless applications.
- ServerlessDays Stockholm talk on AWS Lambda Powertools, a library that adds utilities for developing of Lambda functions.
- Talk Dev To Me: Rust on Serverless, code walkthrough on how to build a serverless application using Rust.